Destino Travel BV failliet
update: 24 april 2020
Op 21 april 2020 is Destino Travel BV, handelend onder Cuba Travel Network, te Amsterdam failliet verklaard.
Klanten die een reis geboekt hebben bij Destino Travel BV ontvangen binnenkort een bericht met instructies hoe zij reeds vooruitbetaalde reissommen of de vergoeding voor in verband met de coronacrisis uitgegeven vouchers met SGR garantie terugbetaald kunnen krijgen van SGR.
In alle gevallen geldt dat wij dringend adviseren geen betalingen meer aan Destino Travel BV te doen voor nog niet aangevangen reizen, ook niet op uitdrukkelijk verzoek van de curator. Betalingen gedaan na 22 april 2020 worden niet meer door SGR gegarandeerd.
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On 21 April 2020, Amsterdam based Destino Travel BV, trading under Cuba Travel Network has been declared bankrupt .
Customers who booked a Destino Travel BV trip will shortly receive a message from SGR with instructions on how to get a refund for prepaid travel costs or the compensation for the vouchers (with SGR garantuee) which were issued in response to the Corona crisis.
In all cases we urgently advise not to make any further payments to Destino Travel BV for trips that have not started yet. Not even if it’s explicitly requested by the curator. Payments after 22 April 2020 will not be guaranteed by SGR.
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The official language of SGR is Dutch. The translation of this document was prepared with the utmost care. However, SGR does not accept any liability for errors or omissions in this translation or the direct or indirect consequences of acting or failing to act based on this translation. It is not possible to derive any rights, of whatever nature, based on this translation. In the event of any discrepancy between the Dutch text and the English translation, the Dutch text shall be binding.